Ace Outdoors has recently been approved as a registered course provider to deliver all levels of training and assessment in the National Navigation Award Schemes. We are delighted to start offering our new courses from November 2009 as part of our winter programme!
The National Navigation Award (NNAS) is a personal performance, non-competitive, incentive scheme for all ages. The award has three levels of performance, Bronze, Silver and Gold. It is open to all ages and is essential training for anyone who enjoys hill walking.
Over the weekend of 16th-18th October 2009 we ran a pilot of our proposed new navigational course to invited guests, friends and other outdoor professionals. The aim of the weekend was to help us to evaluate our Bronze and Silver Training course and assessment before we start our courses to paying clients later next month.
The weekend was a huge success, all in part to the nine participants who attended the course. Everyone, entered into the spirit of things and made sure we all worked together to learn new skills, refine techniques and have a whole lot of fun along the way!
If you would like to learn more about navigation please give Ace Outdoors a ring on:
0845 505 1221 (local rated call)
Our next Sliver NNAS Course is running on the Weekend 20-22 November 2009 in Wales!
We hope to see you there...