Friday, 23 January 2009

IML Winter training days 4-5

Nearly towards the end of the training course close to the town of Grand Bornand in the French Alps.

The overview of day 4 consisted of a mountain journey, starting from the easy to access ski area and then moving away from here to a stunning viewpoint observing some of the rules for being in a Ski du fond area or piste area. (See picture)

This clearly demonstrated the accessibility and relative ease of the activity of Snowshoeing to get to places with groups in the mountains which offer some fabulous vistas (without huge effort).

The remainder of the intineary for the day was to select an appropriate route back to the Gite using one of the many local snow shoeing tracks and trails which criss cross through the forest back to the valley below. Our group took a longer route back in to the town of Grand Bornarnd and arranged for a lift back to the accommodation!

The technical aspects covered;
  • Multiple transceiver searching and techniques for probing for deeper burials.
  • Personal movement skills.
  • Warm up and games!
  • Snow and avalanche awareness practical observations and evening lecture.

DAY5 - IML Final Day / Debrief

The morning session of the course investigated the roles and required decisive actions required for leaders in the sudden and unexpected event of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and everyone in the group gets avalanched! (or if you come to assist others in a group burial)

The training scenario involved one team on the hill acting the role of the victims placing out objects, in the debris field or others to become the rescuers. Each team had the opportunity to observe what was happening and then review the others' performance.

The main learning points became clear to organise an effective search needs good planning, direction of members in to searchers, diggers and probers and one person to direct the actions of the team to quickly find victims when at the scene.

In the afternoon, a summary was given of each of the days on the course and an overall evaluation of the training and if required individual coaching points and a verbal action plan given from the guides delivering the course for the IML winter syllabus.

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